Does Climate Have an Impact on Dry Eye?

Dry eye is one of the most important conditions that can cause discomfort and impair the quality of vision. We can say that there are many factors on the development and progression of dry eye. Is climate one of these factors? Can climatic conditions cause dry eye formation?

Climate has a direct or indirect effect on dry eye formation

Let’s say at the beginning what we will say at the end. Yes, climate has a direct effect on dry eye. Dry eye disease is a condition that occurs in cases such as insufficient tear production or rapid evaporation. Climate conditions can also play an active role especially on the rapid evaporation of tears. We can explain these effects better by listing them.

dry eye in summer

  • High Temperatures: Extremely hot weather can cause tears to evaporate more quickly, making the surface of the eye more prone to drying out. Let us remind you that it is also important to pay attention to adequate fluid consumption in hot weather to minimize the effect.
  • Wind Effect: Strong winds are also one of the factors that can cause rapid drying of tears on the surface of the eye. It may be preferable to use protective goggles to minimize this effect in windy weather.
  • Low Humidity Climate: If you live in a region with an arid climate with very low humidity, your eyes may become more prone to dryness. Especially in extremely cold climates with low humidity, you may feel the effect of dry eyes more intensely.

When we consider all these factors, we can say that climate can play a role in dry eyes. Paying attention to regular eye care and using the necessary protectors will minimize these effects.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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