How Often Are Checkups Performed After LASIK?

LASIK, one of the most preferred laser procedures, is one of the treatments used in common refractive errors and gives effective results. We see that this method is frequently used by patients, as it is effective in improving vision in a short time and is generally accepted as a painless treatment method. Of course, as in every operation, there are also questions that patients wonder and seek answers about LASIK. These are usually questions about the pre-treatment and the effect of the treatment, but we know that patients who are considering LASIK operation are also curious about the post-operative process.

In this blog content, we will discuss the most frequently asked part of the post-operative period, “post-LASIK controls”. Let’s discuss in detail how often you should go to controls after the operation and what kind of a path you should follow.

An Overview of LASIK Operation

Before moving on to the control phase, I would like to quickly mention what the LASIK operation is. In the Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis procedure, a small lid is removed from the outermost layer of the eye. After the lid is removed, laser treatment is applied to the lower surface and the lid is closed.

The most important criterion for the operation is the thickness of the cornea in the eye. The cornea must have a thickness that is considered sufficient and safe. Apart from this, we can say that the method is a method that generally gives effective results and has a fast healing process.


How Should the Frequency of Checkups After LASIK Be?

Let’s come to our main topic. How the process will work after the operation. In order to explain this section more clearly, we will proceed by dividing it into parts.

  • First 24 Hours: The most important control in the postoperative period is the control to be performed on the first day. Your doctor will schedule a follow-up appointment for the first 24 hours. This is the most important and somewhat mandatory check-up to evaluate the condition of your eyes and the initial post-operative healing process.
  • First Month: After the first week of check-ups, another follow-up appointment is scheduled, usually within a month. This is done to check the progress of the healing process and the general condition of your eye health. Although it is not as mandatory as the first day check-up, it is highly recommended not to miss the first month check-up. It is also important that the patient takes the medication regularly and does not deviate from the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor during this period.
  • First 6 months: After the first month, another check-up is usually performed within 6 months. At this stage, it is assessed whether your visual acuity has stabilized and whether any long-term complications have developed.
  • First Year: This is important to assess the long-term results of the surgery and to monitor your eye health. It is also a routine check-up procedure.

The frequency and timing of these check-ups may vary depending on the patient’s individual condition, eye health and recovery process. Your doctor will create a personalized check-up plan for you. If you notice any complications or abnormalities, it is important to contact your doctor without waiting for the scheduled check-up dates.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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