Why is it İmportant to Blink Often?

Blinking is one of the actions we do frequently in our daily lives, often without even realizing it. When you look at it from the outside, do you know that this seemingly ordinary action is of great importance for eye health? In this content, we will discuss how important blinking is and exactly how this action provides a benefit.

The Relationship Between Blinking and Eye Health

When you blink your eye completely, the tear film, which is very important for our eyes, is distributed over the surface of the eye.

This layer also contains an oil layer and a healthy tear film prevents dryness in the eye.

Therefore, blinking frequently has an important effect against dry eyes. Another advantage of distributing tears on the eye surface is the protection of the eye surface against external objects.

Blinking is one of the actions we do frequently in our daily lives, often without even realizing it. When you look at it from the outside, do you know that this seemingly ordinary action is of great importance for eye health? In this content, we will discuss how important blinking is and exactly how this action provides a benefit.

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The Relationship Between Blinking and Eye Health

When you blink your eye completely, the tear film, which is very important for our eyes, is distributed over the surface of the eye.

This layer also contains an oil layer and a healthy tear film prevents dryness in the eye.

Therefore, blinking frequently has an important effect against dry eyes. Another advantage of distributing tears on the eye surface is the protection of the eye surface against external objects.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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